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디지털 도서관/단편영화





Life is a strange succession of unexpected links
Once upon a time there were eight short films with towns, villages,
men, women,children, gravity and laughter.
Eight films that have won awards worldwide make up this selection.
Eight animated stories of remarkable range and sensitivity.
From homelessness to a traditional

Yiddish tale to an old man looking back at World War II,
you'll be transported
along the pathways of fate and glimpse the
great story of the world


Tragic Story with Happy Ending (2005)
Regina Pessoa

Village of Idiots (1999)
Eugene Fedorenko and Rose Newlove

Conte de quartier (2006)
Florence Miailhe

Dehors novembre (2005)
Patrick Bouchard

When the Day Breaks (1999)
Wendy Tilby and Amanda Forbis

The Man Who Waited (2006)
Theodore Ushev

Jeu (2006)
Georges Schwizgebel

Through my Thick Glasses (2004)
Pjotr Sapegin