킨들 e북 - kindle e-book 구매 - The maze runner
Grade 6–10—Thomas wakes up in an elevator, remembering nothing but his own name. He emerges into a world of about 60 teen boys who have learned to survive in a completely enclosed environment, subsisting on their own agriculture and supplies from below. A new boy arrives every 30 days. The original group has been in "the glade" for two years, trying to find a way to escape through a maze that surrounds their living space. They have begun to give up hope. Then a comatose girl arrives with a strange note, and their world begins to change. There are some great, fast-paced action scenes, particularly those involving the nightmarish Grievers who plague the boys. Thomas is a likable protagonist who uses the information available to him and his relationships (including his ties to the girl, Teresa) to lead the Gladers. Unfortunately, the question of whether the teens will escape the maze is answered 30 pages before the book ends, and the intervening chapter loses momentum. The epilogue, which would be deliciously creepy coming immediately after the plot resolves, fails to pack a punch as a result. That said, The Maze Runner has a great hook, and fans of dystopian literature, particularly older fans of Jeanne DuPrau's The City of Ember (Random, 2003), will likely enjoy this title and ask for the inevitable sequel.—Kristin Anderson, Columbus Metropolitan Library System, OH END
About the Author
JAMES DASHNER is the author of the New York Times bestselling Maze Runner series as well as The Eye of Minds, the 13th Reality series, and The Infinity Ring. He was born and raised in Georgia but now lives and writes in the Rocky Mountains. You can learn more about James and his books at jamesdashner.com.
From the Hardcover edition.
distopia - 현대 사회의 부정적인 측면들이 극대화되어 나타나는 어두운 미래상
현대 사회의 부정적인 측면들이 극단화돼 초래될지 모르는 암울한 미래상을 말한다. 핵 위협 아래 놓인 지구촌, 인류의 양식(良識)과 이성을 의심케 하는 무분별한 군비 경쟁과 ‘별들의 전쟁’, 지구 생태계를 파괴할 공해문제, 아프리카의 가뭄 사태를 야기한 제3세계의 위기와 오랜 제국주의 침략 후유증 등은 인류의 미래를 부정적인 눈으로 바라보게 한다.
subsist 자급하다, 근근이 살아가다.
glade 작은 빈터
maze 미로
comatose 혼수상태인, 완전히 탈진한
nightmarish 악몽의
griever 비탄에 잠긴자
plague 전염병, 성가시게 하다. 괴롭히다.
likable 호감가는
protagonist 주인공
intervene 중재하다. 개입하다. 끼어들다.
momentum 탄력, 가속도
epilogue 끝맺는 말
creepy 오싹하게 하는, 으스스한
pack a punch 강펀치를 날리다. 강력한 효과를 가지다. =be powerful
sequel 속편의
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