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킨들 e북 - kindle e-book 구매 - The maze runner Grade 6–10—Thomas wakes up in an elevator, remembering nothing but his own name. He emerges into a world of about 60 teen boys who have learned to survive in a completely enclosed environment, subsisting on their own agriculture and supplies from below. A new boy arrives every 30 days. The original group has been in "the glade" for two years, trying to find a way to escape through a maze that su.. 더보기
오디오북 - 무료로 받은 The Wheels on the bus ~(25 favorite pre-school songs) sample ♬ Product Details Audible Audio Edition Listening Length: 45 minutes Program Type: Audiobook Version: Unabridged Publisher: AudioGO Ltd. Audible.com Release Date: May 23, 2007 Language: English A fun collection of all-time favourite pre-school playgroup songs for everyone to enjoy... and join in with! The Wheels on the Bus Down at the Station, Early in the Morning Row Row Row Your Boat Th.. 더보기
*단계별 영어 원서 읽기* https://www.lexile.com/ ※ Lexile 지수란? 개인의 영어독서 능력과 수준에 맞는 도서를 골라 읽을 수 있도록 미국 교육 연구 기관 Meramerrics사에서 개발한 독서능력 평가지수입니다. 미국 20개 주에서 사용되며 가장 공신력 있는 지수로 활용되고 있습니다. ● Lexile 지수 단계별 도서 보기. ※ AR 지수란? 미국 Renaissance Learning Inc.가 수 만권의 도서를 분석하고 3만여 명의 학생의 데이터를 기반으로 만든 과학적 지수로, 미국 45,000개 이상의 학교에서 사용되고 있습니다. ● AR 지수 단계별 도서 보기. 더보기
유튜브 - Top 25 - Elmo's Song ~ 1. Elmo's song 2. The Alphabet with Elmo 3. Elmo's Ducks 4. Feist sings 1,2,3,4 5. Will.I.am sings " What I am" 6. A song About Elmo 7. ABC song with Tilly and the wall 8. Elmo in the sky 9. Cookie Monster SIngs C is for Cookie. 10. Elmo's Got the Moves Music Video. 11. Outdoors with Jason Mraz 12. Emie and his Rubber Duckie 13. Elmo Riding A Tricycle 14. Bruno Mars: Don't Give Up 15. Grover sta.. 더보기
유튜브 - Sesame Street: Sesame Street Gets Through a Storm The Gang works together to clean up after a hurricane makes a mess on Sesame Street. Natural disasters can be scary, especially to young children. Watch this Hurricane special with your child for strategies to help them cope with their emotions when faced with the aftermath of a natural disaster. For more tips, activities, and videos please visit the Sesame Street Hurricane Kit at sesamestreet.o.. 더보기
유튜브 - TuTiTu Phone TuTiTu - The toys come to life TuTiTu - "The toys come to life" is a 3D animated television show targeting 2-3 year olds. Through colorful shapes TuTiTu will stimulate the children's imagination and creativity. On each episode TuTiTu's shapes will transform into a new and exciting toy. TuTiTu- "장난감에 생명을 불어넣어요" 는 3D 애니메이션 프로그램 쇼입니다. 2-3살 어린이를 타겟으로 만들었는데요... 칼라플한 도형을 통해 아이들의 상상력과 창의력을 길러줍니다. 투티투의 .. 더보기
유튜브 - Sesame Street: "Fun Fun Elmo," A Mandarin Language Learning Program - Episode 2 . 더보기
* English Library http://www.cyworld.com/lsrwclub 더보기
유튜브 - sesame street:Play inside G Two friends have a glorious time with the letter "G". 두 친구가 G 를 가지고 놀고 있는데요... G로 시작하는 단어들은 무엇이 있나요? 더보기
단편무비 - Big Miracle 대개봉 - 2012.2.23. 더보기