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Earth Day

Earth Day

We take a look at Earth Day by the numbers

April 23, 2010

• Recycling one aluminum can save enough energy to run a television for about three hours.

• Americans use 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour.

• Most glass bottles and jars contain at least 25% recycled glass.

• Letting a bathroom faucet run for five minutes uses as much energy as letting a 60-watt light bulb burn for 14 hours.

• Almost 50% of office paper is recovered through recycling.

• The average American uses 650 pounds of paper each year.

• Recycling 2,000 pounds of paper saves 17 trees.

• Almost 97% of the world's water is salty or otherwise undrinkable. Another 2% is locked in ice caps and glaciers. Only 1% is usable for agriculture, manufacturing and personal needs.

• The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a floating dump located in the Pacific Ocean between San Francisco and Hawaii. The trash found there is almost 80% plastic, and weighs 3.5 million tons.

• The U.S. produces a quarter of the world's waste, making it the number one garbage producer in the world.

• Americans throw away 25 billion Styrofoam cups every year.

1. 종이 2000파운드를 재활용하는 것은 14그루가 아니라 17그루를 절약하
    는   것이 됩니다.
2. 미국이 전세계의 쓰레기 양의 1/4을 만들어 낸다고 하는데요....
   1/4이면 15%가 아니라 25%이죠.......
   다시 수정 녹음치 못했습니다. 죄송합니다.

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