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영어원서/Hello Reader

Too Many Puppies

Too Many Puppies


Hello Reader HR-L2-22


Milly is getting fat.

She is having puppies.

I can't wait.

It won't be long.

I can feel the puppies kicking in Milly's tummy.

I can't wait to have so many puppies.

Mommy says she has homes for all the puppies.

We will only have them while they are small.

I want to keep all the puppies.

Mommy says that would be too many puppies.

While I sleep one night, Milly has seven tiny puppies.

They cannot even open their eyes.

I've never seen puppies so small.

I love, love, love these puppies.

I tell Mommy I have to keep them all.

Says Mommy, " That would be too many puppies."

The puppies grow fast.

They are fuzzier now.

They are trying to open their eyes.

The puppies are very hungry and sleepy.

Milly is a good mommy.

She feeds them and keeps them clean.

I watch them all day because I'm keeeping all the puppies.

" No way," says Mommy.

" That would be too many puppies."

Now the puppies are fluffy and fat.

Their eyes are open.

I give each puppy a name.

There's Fatty, Floppy, Flower, Scaredy, Happy, Shiny, and George.

They yip and yap.

They roll and flop.

Milly loves the puppies.

I love the puppies.

Mommy loves the puppies.

I'm keeping all the puppies!

Now these puppies are really big!

I help feed them now so Milly can take a rest.

I also have to help clean up after them.

They are too muh work for Milly.

I can tell Milly thinks maybe she has too many puppies!

Not me!  I don't mind helping.

I am keeping all these puppies.

Yikes, now these puppies bark loudly, and they make a mess!

It  seems as if I am always cleaning up after them.

They are always hungry.

Milly doesn't feed the puppies anymore.

They are too big.

It seems as if I 'm feeding them every minute.

These puppies are a lot of work.

They all pile on top of me when I feed them or when I want to play with just one puppy.

It's time to take the puppies to the vet.

It takes a long time to get one,two, three, four,five, six,seven puppies into the car.

And then one, two,three,four,five,six,seven puppies into the vet's office,

and back into the car, and back home.

Mommy and Milly are right!

We have too many puppies!

Today the people come for their puppies.

I give each person a perfect puppy.

The people are so happy and each puppy is so happy to have its very own family to play with.

There are a lot of puppy kisses today.

At first I feel sad.

Then I remember the day I got Milly.

I hug her. I tell her, "Seven puppies were really, really, really fun.

But,one puppy.... one grown-up, wonderful puppy... is just right!" 

fuzzy 솜털이 보송보송한

fluffy 털로 뒤덮인

yip  깽깽 울다.

yap  (개가)  캥캥 시끄럽게 짖어대다.

flop  (털썩) 주저앉다.드러눕다.

vet =veterinarian  수의사

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