Meet Joshua Rush
Actor Joshua Rush, 10, talks to TFK about his role in the family film Parental Guidance
Parental Guidance, in theatres December 25, shows why family members don’t always make the best babysitters. Grandparents Artie and Diane Decker, played by Billy Crystal and Bette Midler, hit some modern-day problems when they take care of their three grandkids for a weekend. Actor Joshua Rush, 10, talks to TFK about his role in the family film.
TFK:You star in the new movie Parental Guidance. How was working on the movie?
당신은 부모의 지도라는 새로운 영화에 출연했다. 영화를 어떻게 찍었나요?
It was a lot of fun. I got to work with so many big [actors], and it was really amazing.
매우 재미있었어요. 너무 많은 대 스타들과 함께 일하게 되서 정말 놀랐어요.
In the movie, you play the eight-year-old grandson, Tuner. What is your character like?
영화에서, 8살짜리 손자역인 터너역을 맡았는데 당신의 캐릭터는 무엇과 같나요?
Turner is a really, really cool kid. He has a lot of interests. He likes science. He likes baseball—he’s a pitcher. But he is sort-of hidden behind his stutter. The movie is about getting out of your comfort zone and doing things that you never thought that you could do before. I think Turner really shows that.
터너는 정말 정말 쿨한 아이에요. 그는 많은 것에 흥미를 갖죠.
그는 과학을 좋아하고, 야구를 좋아해요. - 그는 투수죠.
영화는 안전지대에서 나와서 전에 할수 있다고 결코 생각지 못했던 것을 하는 것에 대한 이야기입니다.
터너는 정말 그것을 보여주죠.
Are you similar to your character or are you two very different?
당신은 당신의 캐릭터와 비슷한가요 아님 다른가요?
My character loves science, and I love science too. He’s bullied in the movie and I have been bullied in the past a couple of times.
저의 캐릭터는 과학을 좋아하고 저 또한 실제로 과학을 좋아해요. 그는 영화에서 놀림을 당해요. 그리고 실제로 저도 과거에 두어번 괴롭힘을 받은 적이 있어요.
For our kid readers who are about the same age as you, what advice would you give to them about being bullied?
당신과 같은 나이의 애청자들에게 괴롭힘 받는 것에 대해서 어떤 충고를 하고 싶나요?
Don’t let the bullies shape you. Tell a teacher or tell someone that you trust. An adult will make it better for you.
불량배들이 당신을 때리거나 치게하지 마라. 선생님이나 네가 믿는 누군가에게 말하라. 어른이면 더욱 좋을 것이다.
In the movie, Billy Crystal and Bette Midler play your funny, upbeat grandparents, and you got to work with them on and off-set. Do you think you would like having them as your grandparents in real life?
영화에서, 빌리 크리스탈과 베트 미들러는 재미나고 긍정적인 할아버지 할머니 역을 맡았다. 당신은 불규칙하게 그들과 함께 세트촬영을 했다. 당신은 실제 삶에서 그들이 조부모였으면 좋겠다고 생각하나요?
They would be a pretty funny set of grandparents! We did all sorts of crazy things. I played catch with Billy to prepare for the pitching scene. In fact, for one scene, it was the middle of winter at night, and we had to shoot a scene where we were out of breath. To keep us warm and out of breath, we had a little bit of a dance routine that we were doing. It was pretty funny because Andy [the director] said “Action,” and we were so deep into it, we didn’t even hear him. Now, they have [the dance] on film for us.
그들은 매우 재미난 조부모의 표본이 될것이다! 우리 모두는 미친칫을 했다. 나는 빌리와 함께 던지는 장면을 위해 캐치볼 잡기 놀이를 했다. 사실, 한 장면을 위해 겨울밤에 우리는 숨가쁜 장면을 촬영해야했다. 따뜻하고 숨찬 상태를 유지하기 위해, 우리는 다소 우리가 하고 있는 일상적인 일로 춤추는 시간을 가졌다. 감독 앤디가 "액션,"이라고 말하고 우리는 너무 깊게 춤에 빠져있어서 그의 말을 듣지못했다. 지금 그들은 우리를 위해서 영화에서 춤장면을 갖는다.
Did any other silly stuff happen on set?
어떤 바보스러운 일이 세트장에서 일어났었나?
[Billy Crystal and I] called each other the “original cast members” because we were both in a table-read for this movie in about 2007. So, we have known each other ever since then. When I got the part, he was pretty much like an old friend to me.
What was your favorite part of working on the movie?
영화에서 당신이 가장 좋아하는 장면은 무엇이었나?
There were so many fun scenes to shoot. There was one scene where it was the first time that me and my little brother, Barker [Kyle Harrison Breitkopf], had ice cream cake. Billy’s character left us alone for just a little second and we went crazy with the cake! We did some kitchen remodeling with icing. We were covered head to toe with icing. Andy, the director, kept telling me to stop licking the icing off my face and my fingers. It was really, really fun.
너무 재미난 촬영 장면이 많이 있었다. 나와 나의 동생 바커가 아이스크림 케잌을 처음으로 먹는 장면이 하나 있었다. 빌리의 캐릭터는 우리를 잠시동안 홀로 놔두는 것이었다. 우리는 케잌 먹는것에 미쳐서 케잌 아이싱으로 부엌 곳곳을 칠해 난장판을 만들었다. 또한 머리에서 발끝까지 케잌 아이싱으로 온몸을 칠했다. 감독인 앤디는 나에게 케잌 아이싱을 얼굴과 손가락에서 핥아 먹는 것을 멈추라고 계속 말했다. 그것은 정말 정말 재미났다.
What was the hardest part of filming?
My character didn’t have tons of lines because of his speech [impediment]. But, it was a real challenge for me because my character goes through a lot with bullies and it’s hard to portray that without really saying anything. So, that was a challenge for me.
Do you think TFK readers would enjoy this film?
I think they would love this film. It’s a family film for everybody. Kids and grown-ups are going to love it. It’s really, really funny.
Do you think you want to continue being an actor? Or, do you have a different dream for when you grow up?
I love acting, and I want to keep doing that, but I [also] love science. Acting is helping me gather up the funds to get my own laboratory. That’s the dream. I would like to be the next Steve Jobs [founder of Apple].
Click here to watch a video interview with Joshua's co-star Bailee Madison.
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